Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Invitation to join the dinner festivities!

Hello my friends!

You may be wondering, why in the world am I being sent to a blog with such a fantastic title? Well, let me tell you why! I got thinking that 2 things in my life that make me such a happy girl are: 1. Great food 2. Great friends. And that lead me to the thought, why not combine the two and have lots and lots of fun.... at LEAST once a month!

So, Im starting a dinner club. Aka, "Diva's dinning divinely". Because we are all somewhat divalicious, we love to dine, and we sure can do it divinely.

Are you in?

This is what is in store if you say YES to the 3D's:

Putting the dinner party on your calendar once a month
Opening up your home every 4 months to host the party
Making one dish every month to share with everyone
Drooling, ooohing and ahhhing at all the tasty delectable dishes that you will feast your eyes on!

We can rotate bringing an: Appetizer, salad, side dish, entree and dessert (and maybe a little vino)

And to make things fun, each month will be a different theme.

Whoever hosts the party is in charge of picking the theme and letting everyone know at least 2 weeks in advance.

Some ideas we were thinking were: Greek theme, Italian theme, a particular food theme (everything makes something using lemon for example), Tapa's theme, ect.

After dinner we can all swap recipes!

Let me know if you are in, and what day of the week would work best.

Also, just bookmark this blog site this is the best way to see what everyone is thinking!



Katie said...

Write on here from now on :)

J*Marie said...

I think i figured it out!! DINNER DIVAS. Whens our first?

Katie said...

Yay Jenn!

Well, Would the last Wednesday of every month work?

And would anyone like to volunteer to host the first one? I can always do it if no one else wants to!

Just let me know. You should be able to comment directly on here, just by pressing "Comment". You may also have to set up a little account. Sorry if its confusing!


Unknown said...

la la la ladies!! last wednesdays of the month are bad for me, but if it works for everyone else I will just come when i can.....cant wait!! Will miss the first 2 :(

Katie said...

Mo- what Wednesday would work for you? We don't have to do the last Wednesday....